View Full Version : Minimized widget not draggable in QMdiArea

22nd December 2014, 14:20
Hi everyone,

I have a QWidget containing a QMdiArea in which I open graphs dynamically (using QMdiSubWindow through the addSubWindow method).

When I minimize one subwindow, the "iconified" widget is no more draggable. How can I let it be draggable?

24th December 2014, 10:14
I managed to move the minimized widgets using an eventfilter on QMouseMoveEvent.

My next problem is that when the widget is not minimized the scrollbars are enabled when I try to go beyond the limit of the QMdiArea, but not when it is minimized.

I tried to use the QEvent::Paint but I'm not the sure this is the right thing to do.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.