View Full Version : Compile "webkit" for Android armv7

27th December 2014, 14:22
What I would like to achieve: escape from this type of error on Android-armeabi-v7a kit "Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webkitwidgets".

I am using Qt 5.4.0
SHA-1 Hash: f13ddeba64b59f48f78fbd28132ec6da02521ac0
MD5 Hash: 0dcd42df09505be418393dc28286e850
and my platform is Windows 8.1.

There were no problems when compiling and running other Android armv7 examples but on the projects that in .pro file have

QT += webkitwidgets
QT += webkit

it fails with the mentioned error.

I managed to get the "Fancy Browser Example" working, but only on Desktop kit. This project on it's .pro file has this line:
QT += webkitwidgets network widgets

On installation directory for Qt I found:





which give me the specified error when compiling with Android-armeabi-v7a kit. I think the reason is not having QtWebKit and QtWebKitWidgets folders on android_armv7.

My question is how can I compile "C:\Qt\Qt5.4.0\5.4\Src\qtwebkit\ to get pass the error ?