View Full Version : soap+websocket

2nd January 2015, 11:23
I have used KDSOAP (SOAP+http) for client-server communication in QT. Now our client wants us to implement SOAP+websocket for communication. Are there any QT packages readily available which I can use for this purpose? Thanks and regards,

2nd January 2015, 12:33
Qt has a web sockets implementation and you should still be able to use most of KDSoap once you have the transport in place.
It might also be possible to use the former to add websocket support to a QNetworkAccessManager subclass and use that in KDSoap instead.


3rd January 2015, 08:32
Could you please explain how to implement the first point?

3rd January 2015, 13:53
Well, there seems to be a message reader and a message writer class that take care about converting between the SOAP XML and the KDSOAP message structures.

They are probably usable independent of whether you transport the XML via HTTP or websockets.
