View Full Version : failed to assigned loader source component

8th January 2015, 15:23
Hi Qt Experts,

I have a model with page element that will determine which component to be displayed in the delegate using loader.
I encountered this error "Unable to assign QString to QQmlComponent*"
Is my implementation correct? Is there any efficient way to do it?
And also, how to change the page after swiping the last element?
Btw, there is a main loader that called the Wizard.qml. Should I just change the main loader source?

Please advise. Thanks

Here's my code:

Item {
ListModel {
id: wizardModel
ListElement {
page: "page1"
ListElement {
page: "page2"
ListElement {
page: "page3"

ListView {
anchors.fill: parent
focus: true
highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
model: wizardModel
delegate: WizardDelegate {}

id: root
width: ListView.view.width; height: ListView.view.height

id: header
height: 100
Layout.fillWidth: true
color: "#00000000"
clip: true
anchors {
top: parent.top
left: parent.left
right: parent.right

id: title
text: "Welcome"
color: "#FFFFFF"
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
anchors.centerIn: parent

id: body
color: "#00000000"
clip: true
width: parent.width
height: footer.y - y
anchors {
top: header.bottom
topMargin: 30
left: parent.left
right: parent.right

Loader {
id: loader
sourceComponent: model.page
anchors.fill: parent

Component {
id: page1
id: image
source: "../images/icon1.png"

Component {
id: page2
id: image
source: "../images/icon2.png"

Component {
id: page3
id: image
source: "../images/icon3.png"

id: footer
Layout.fillWidth: true
color: "#00000000"
height: 100
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right
bottom: parent.bottom

id: checkbox
text: "Do not show this message again."
anchors {
left: parent.left
right: parent.right

8th January 2015, 15:58
model.page is a string, Loader.sourceComponent wants a Component.

The property you are most likely looking for is Loader.source, each "page" containing the name of a QML file containing that page


9th January 2015, 10:46
model.page is a string, Loader.sourceComponent wants a Component.

The property you are most likely looking for is Loader.source, each "page" containing the name of a QML file containing that page


Thanks for your quick response, I just use loader.source then.

Any advise on how to change to page when it reach the last item on listview? Thanks

9th January 2015, 11:17
Any advise on how to change to page when it reach the last item on listview? Thanks

What is your requirement?
What should happen when the last item becomes visible?


9th January 2015, 11:37
What is your requirement?
What should happen when the last item becomes visible?


I would like to know the signal used by either Listview or Flickable to determine if the last element was flicked, if there's an available signal.
As mentioned i have a main loader that loads the Wizard.qml, I wanted to display another page once the last item was flicked/swiped to right.
I would like to change the main loader source so that the new page will display.


9th January 2015, 14:52
I have found this signal onMovementStarted to trigger the changing of loader source.
However I need to know if the user swipe to right before it changes the source.
Is this a correct way to trigger the change of page or there's a better option.
Any suggestions? Thanks

ListView {
id: wizardList
anchors.fill: parent
focus: true
highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
ListModel {
ListElement {
page: "Wizard1.qml"
ListElement {
page: "Wizard2.qml"
ListElement {
page: "Wizard3.qml"
delegate: WizardDelegate {}
onMovementStarted: {
if (wizardList.currentIndex == 2) { // i need to include in the condition to check if the swipe direction is to the right
mainLoader.source = "Main.qml"


9th January 2015, 18:01
Why don't you just add Main.qml to your model?

9th January 2015, 18:13
Why don't you just add Main.qml to your model?

Because the Main page is completely different from the wizard pages and i don't want to go back to the wizard pages once it reaches the Main page.
Is there a way to check the swipe movement? I still trying to use the contentX, if that is possible.


9th January 2015, 20:03
I completely fail to understand why you want to act on a flick. Whatever you are trying to do, I don't think the approach you have taken is a proper one. Maybe you could restate your problem in a descriptive way and we'll try to suggest an approach to solve it.

12th January 2015, 09:08
I completely fail to understand why you want to act on a flick. Whatever you are trying to do, I don't think the approach you have taken is a proper one. Maybe you could restate your problem in a descriptive way and we'll try to suggest an approach to solve it.

Thank you for your response.

I have a main loader which loaded the wizard page with list view of wizard pages.
I used list view so that the user can flick on those pages back and forth.
At the last item, when the user flick to the right, it will exit on the list view (wizard) and will display the main page.
Once on main page, the user cannot go back to the wizard anymore.

Let me know if you have further questions on my implementation.

Thanks a lot for your time.

12th January 2015, 09:38
loaded the wizard page with list view of wizard pages.

I don't understand that. Wizard page with a view of wizard pages?

12th January 2015, 10:01
I don't understand that. Wizard page with a view of wizard pages?

The Wizard qml page, where I put the Listview using the ListModel of pages.

Here is my Wizard qml page.

ListView {
id: wizardList
anchors.fill: parent
focus: true
highlightRangeMode: ListView.StrictlyEnforceRange
orientation: ListView.Horizontal
snapMode: ListView.SnapOneItem
ListModel {
ListElement {
page: "Wizard1.qml"
ListElement {
page: "Wizard2.qml"
ListElement {
page: "Wizard3.qml"
delegate: WizardDelegate {}

12th January 2015, 10:32
Let's summarize -- you have a number of wizards, each composed of a number of wizard pages. You want to advance the wizard by flicking until you reach the last page of the wizard and if you flick again you should be brought to the main page where you can do some other actions (e.g. choose another wizard). Is that correct?

12th January 2015, 10:40
Let's summarize -- you have a number of wizards, each composed of a number of wizard pages. You want to advance the wizard by flicking until you reach the last page of the wizard and if you flick again you should be brought to the main page where you can do some other actions (e.g. choose another wizard). Is that correct?

Basically, I only have 1 wizard, the list elements on List Model are just pages of the wizard.
Yes, you are correct, after reaching the last page, I should be brought to main page.

12th January 2015, 14:52
In that case in my opinion pages of the wizard should be handled on the same level as remaining pages of the application (i.e. without a separate list view).