View Full Version : How to display message in textEdit when OpenCV detects face

8th January 2015, 16:27
Hi all,

Wonder if anyone have experience with qt-opencv programming. What i am trying to achieve is to create a qt widget that can display video from the webcam and a face detection in QLabel. Currently i have no issue with this, the problem which i faced is that after opencv detects a face, i want to show a message in the text box telling the user that a face was detected.

If anyone got any recommendation that will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you all

8th January 2015, 20:26
Detect face, call QLabel::setText() (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qlabel.html#text-prop)?

15th January 2015, 04:14
Hi ChrisW67,

Thanks for the suggestion, i am looking at showing a message like this "<current date time> Face detected" in qtextedit. my biggest headache is getting the current date and time into qtextedit and i managed to show Qstring message in 'for' loop so that sort of solve my problem on message.

15th January 2015, 09:10
