View Full Version : qwt-6.1-multiaxes ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::operator[]: "index out of range"

9th January 2015, 10:09
At the momen im using qwt-6.1-multiaxes, but i'm getting a error after I removed a axis from the plot and do a replot, ASSERT failure in QVector<T>::operator[]: "index out of range"

How to reproduce:
* add multiple y-axes
* attach a plot curve to each axis
* detach the plot curve at the last y-axis (else you have to make a system to move curves from one axis to another)
* setAxescount -1
* do a replot (updateAxes()) it goes wrong in the updateAxes()

at the moment i'm detaching all curves and set the new axis and reattach it to the plot but I still get the error

does anyone know what to do to fix it?

In the meanwhile I found the problem by using the source and not the lib.
I made an error in the axis id.