View Full Version : Application closed after QNetworkManager::get (Release, after deployment by mingw32)

23rd January 2015, 16:35
Hi guys.

I've got issue as in topic, after deployment (I used windeployqt) my application
exits immediately when QNetworkManager::get() method is called.
That problem occurs on only one computer.

this->_versionUrl = url.value(key).toString();
void Patcher::request(const QNetworkRequest &request)
this->log(tr("Starting request: %1").arg(request.url().toString()));
this->_reply = this->_manager->get(request);
this->log(tr("After GET"));

this->connect(this->_reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
this, SLOT(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));

this->connect(this->_reply, SIGNAL(finished()),
this, SLOT(finished()));

this->connect(this->_reply, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64,qint64)),
this, SLOT(updateProgressBar(qint64,qint64)));

When I run my application directly after compilation, everything works fine.

My deployment folder contains following files:

│ icudt53.dll
│ icuin53.dll
│ icuuc53.dll
│ libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
│ libstdc++-6.dll
│ libwinpthread-1.dll
│ patcher.ini
│ Qt5Core.dll
│ Qt5Gui.dll
│ Qt5Network.dll
│ Qt5SerialPort.dll
│ Qt5Svg.dll
│ Qt5Widgets.dll
│ qt_ca.qm
│ qt_cs.qm
│ qt_de.qm
│ qt_fi.qm
│ qt_hu.qm
│ qt_it.qm
│ qt_ja.qm
│ qt_lv.qm
│ qt_ru.qm
│ qt_sk.qm
│ qt_uk.qm
│ quazip.dll
│ MyApp.exe
│ updater.log
│ zlib1.dll
│ qgenericbearer.dll
│ qnativewifibearer.dll
│ qsvgicon.dll
│ qdds.dll
│ qgif.dll
│ qicns.dll
│ qico.dll
│ qjp2.dll
│ qjpeg.dll
│ qmng.dll
│ qsvg.dll
│ qtga.dll
│ qtiff.dll
│ qwbmp.dll
│ qwebp.dll
│ qminimal.dll
│ qoffscreen.dll
│ qwindows.dll

23rd January 2015, 19:54
What is the contents of the _reply member variable after the get request?


Can you show the code for your error, finished, and updateProgressBar slots?
What is the stack trace after the crash?

26th January 2015, 12:54
Can you show the code for your error, finished, and updateProgressBar slots?

void Patcher::log(const QString &state)
QFile logFile("updater.log");
QTextStream stream(&logFile);
if (logFile.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Append | QIODevice::Text))
stream << QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("dd.MM.yyyy:hh:mm:ss.zzz")
<< " " << state
<< " pId: " << qApp->applicationPid()
<< "\n";
void Patcher::error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)
void Patcher::finished()
this->log(tr("Reply finished. Url: %1").arg(this._reply->url().toString()));
QByteArray versionData = this->_reply->readAll();
// some processing inside
void Patcher::updateProgressBar(qint64 read, qint64 total)
this->log(tr("Uptade progress bar %1 / %2")


What is the stack trace after the crash?

It doesn't crash the application. App simple turns off when QNAM get is requested.
I've added Google Breakpad into my project from following tutorial:
And it doesn't create any minidump file.
Last log from "updater.log" is "Starting request: http://url.to.my/web/page.file".

PS. On mine machine and some VMs problem has no occured.