View Full Version : Qt and MathGL

1st February 2015, 20:06

I want to use MathGL in Qt

This is my steps:

I download "Win32 GPL binaries for MinGW (build for i686) (http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/doc_en/Download.html#Download)"
I have 'includes' here: C:\MathGL\include
I have 'libs' here: C:\MathGL\libs
I read it: http://mathgl.sourceforge.net/doc_en/Using-QMathGL.html
I installed 'GSL' by Cygwin from here: http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/
I wrote in *.pro:

INCLUDEPATH += "C:/cygwin/usr/include"
LIBS += "C:/cygwin/lib/libgsl.dll.a"

INCLUDEPATH += "C:/MathGL/include"
LIBS += "C:/MathGL/libs/libmgl-qt4.dll.a"

I wrote the code:

#include <mgl2/qmathgl.h>

Dialog::Dialog(QWidget *parent) :
ui(new Ui::Dialog)

// Create and setup QMathGL
QMathGL *QMGL = new QMathGL( this );

But I receive this error:

Starting D:\GoogleDrive\Qt\MathGL\build-QMathGLSample-Desktop_Qt_5_4_0_MinGW_32bit-Debug\debug\QMathGLSample.exe...
The program has unexpectedly finished.

I hope you will help me. Thank you in advance

1st February 2015, 21:12
You are trying to use a binary library built with Qt4 (possibly with a binary incompatible GCC as well) in a program built for Qt5... This will not work.