View Full Version : Video file loading an external resource to QRC structure using QT 5.4

5th February 2015, 04:06
Hello all,

We are using QT 5.4, and trying to load an video file.
Below is the qml code which is put under QRC

Rectangle {
width: 480
height: 270

MediaPlayer {
id: player
// source: "file:video.avi"
source: "file:///P2952/Sprint21/Animation_Demos/video.avi"
autoPlay: true
autoLoad: true

VideoOutput {
source: player
anchors.fill: parent


Component.onCompleted: {


If we put video file inside QRC resource, Memory allocation errors are coming.

Can anyone help how to access external video files ( placed out of QRC files) and display using qt.

Thanks in advance

5th February 2015, 07:28
What memory allocation errors? How large is the video? What's wrong with using your current code?