View Full Version : Two question about create an application.

19th March 2007, 05:55
In Qtopia4.2.0 phone edition, in the game folder,
it contains "fifteen", "snake", "minesweep", and "qasteroids" 4 games.
I create a folder "GuessNumber", and implement my game in the folder.
I can "make", and "make install" the "GuessNumber"(my creation game) into image folder,
but I try to clean build(make clean), then use "configure, make , make install",
for a long time , I check the image folder, I can't see the "GuessNumber" application.

(1)the question is when I want to add a new application into Qtopia4.2.0, which steps I should
do first, or I need add some script or modify some file to let "configure" parser correctly.

(2)Maybe I find a "configure" script bug, this bug will let system crash when you make code.

the below is qtopia4.2.0 fifteen game .pro file , when I modify the TARGET name to *list,
then run "../../../bin/qtopiamake" create Makefile, then run "make", ==> it will infinite loop and system crash. but if I use any other TARGET name no contain "list" keyword , it's OK.

qtopia_project(qtopia app)
TARGET=fifteen ==> modify to ftmlist
CONFIG+=qtopia_main no_quicklaunch

HEADERS = fifteen.h
SOURCES = fifteen.cpp main.cpp

INSTALLS+=desktop help pics

pkg.desc=Try to get the fifteen pieces in order by sliding them around.

Best Regards

19th March 2007, 09:44
Why do you run configure, make and make install after compiling your app? This will cause Qtopia to be rebuilt, nothing more... I think you should build your application outside Qtopia build tree and then copy it to the rest of Qtopia binaries before uploading them to the phone.

19th March 2007, 11:22
Why do you run configure, make and make install after compiling your app? This will cause Qtopia to be rebuilt, nothing more... I think you should build your application outside Qtopia build tree and then copy it to the rest of Qtopia binaries before uploading them to the phone.

Thanks for your reponse ~
I am doing a project that will added a lot of applications, and many of people create their application each other.
So I hope that each one can run "configure , make , make install" then all thing is OK.

19th March 2007, 22:21
I think you don't understand - configure, make and make install don't do anything with your applications, they only build and install the development environment (Qtopia).

When you create a new application, you don't have to "rebuild" Qtopia.