View Full Version : Unable to make deb file of Qt 5.4 app in Ubuntu 14.04

24th February 2015, 06:59
I am able to make deb file of Qt 5.2.1 app in Ubuntu 14.04 but unable to make deb file of Qt 5.4 app in Ubuntu 14.04 and got below errors.

//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5PrintSupport.so.5: undefined reference to `QPdfEnginePrivate::paperRect() const'

//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5PrintSupport.so.5: undefined reference to `QPdfEnginePrivate::pageRect() const'

//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5OpenGL.so.5: undefined reference to `QFontEngine::glyphCache(void const*, QFontEngineGlyphCache::Type, QTransform const&) const'

I am just guessing that .so files present at the path usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ are compatible with Qt 5.2.1 but not with Qt5.4.

There is no change in .so files at the path path usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ if we install or uninstall Qt 5.2.1 or Qt 5.4.

If anyone has idea, then please let me know so that I can resolve my issue.


24th February 2015, 08:21
How did you "install or uninstall Qt 5.2.1 or Qt 5.4"? Does your package manager allow both installations to coexist?

24th February 2015, 09:57
How did you "install or uninstall Qt 5.2.1 or Qt 5.4"? Does your package manager allow both installations to coexist?

I install Qt from offline .run file and uninstall from MaintenanceTool and at the same time Qt 5.2.1 and Qt 5.4 are installed in my machine .

24th February 2015, 10:44
So you surely don't have it installed in /usr/lib. It seems your packager takes your system's Qt instead of the one you installed yourself.

24th February 2015, 11:27
So you surely don't have it installed in /usr/lib. It seems your packager takes your system's Qt instead of the one you installed yourself.
Yes, I have installed it in opt directory and second time Iinstalled the same into my machine's Home directory.
As per you "It seems your packager takes your system's Qt instead of the one you installed yourself" , Yes I also think so but why I am able to make deb with Qt5.2.1 but not with the Qt5.4 into same Ubutnu 14.04 machine.

Thanks for you post.

24th February 2015, 11:59
I think you need to ask at some site related to building debs. Your problem is unrelated to Qt itself, it is very unlikely you will find proper help here.

24th February 2015, 12:22
I have posted on the Ubuntu debian forum and on other sites also.

FYI now I am able to make deb file with QT 5.4 by adding PrintSupport, OpenGL Qt5 module in cmake list file and added the needed .so files form the path Qt5.4.0/Tools/QtCreator/lib/qtcreator/ to /usr/lib directory and installed the deb into my machine.

But app executable unable to start and not giving any error ( I think it crashes) but when I replace the same executable with exexubale which I made from Qt creator then it is working.

What I think is that Qt creator build taking reference of the QT5.4 installation and deb build taking the reference from the my machine's installed .so files. that Is why I am getting this issue.

24th February 2015, 12:28
I think you should put a dependency on Qt5.4 packages into your deb package. Otherwise after the package is installed, proper Qt version would not be found.

24th February 2015, 12:33
Ok, I will try and let you know if found anything useful.

25th February 2015, 10:31
I think you should put a dependency on Qt5.4 packages into your deb package. Otherwise after the package is installed, proper Qt version would not be found.
It would be great for me if you suuggest, how to add depedencies on Qt5.4 package with my deb. I think, I have issues with the libQt5Quick.so.5 libQtOpenGL.so.5 libQt5PrintSupport.so.5 files but I am not sure.

25th February 2015, 12:38
I know nothing about building deb packages, so I can't really help you. I can only assume you should make your package depend on libqt5*-5.4