View Full Version : Pure QML and qdoc

26th February 2015, 12:34

I have some problems with qdoc documentation generation. I have a digia made config file for qdoc (see down below)

Other than that some qdoc comments like

\qmltype flipButton
\inqmlmodule Components
\brief component that flips a button.

This example makes use of a state machine to illustrate the power of
designed screens.

\section1 Aliases
Also it shows how to work with aliases.
\code property alias text:flipperToggle.text

\sa SimpleFlipper


I like to provide some info about the qmlmodule "Components". I have added a comment to myApp.qml like this

\qmlmodule Components
\brief This module has some example components that flip a button on a click.

We explain more about this here.


Still I get warnings like this. Why is my comment for "Components" ignored? Why a warning about 'global' ?

Beside of that in the part "List of all members, including inherited members" there seem to be no inherited members? Why is that?

qdoc: warning: No documentation for 'Components'
qdoc: warning: No documentation for 'global'

# Documentation configuration.

project = myApp

description = Uxp Application

url = http://qt-project.org/

version = 0.0

qhp.projects = myApp

qhp.myApp.file = myApp.qhp

qhp.myApp.namespace = myApp

qhp.myApp.virtualFolder = myApp

qhp.myApp.indexTitle = myApp

qhp.myApp.indexRoot =

qhp.extraFiles += style/online.css

sourcedirs += . \

opt/Uxp/Applications/myApp/Components \


sources.fileextensions += *.qml

imagedirs += opt/Uxp/Applications/myApp/Pictures

outputdir = doc

HTML.headerstyles = \

" <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"style/online.css\" />\n"

HTML.endheader = \


HTML.postheader = \

"<body>\n" \

"<div class=\"header\" id=\"qtdocheader\"></div>\n" \

" <div class=\"nav\" id=\"qt13a-header\">\n" \

" <div class=\"qt13a-gradient\">\n" \

" <div class=\"qt13a-container qt13a-dynamicREMOVE\" >\n" \

" <div id=\"qt13a-register\">\n" \

" <a href=\"http://qt-project.org/\">Qt Home</a>\n" \

" <a href=\"https://bugreports.qt-project.org/\">Bug Tracker</a>\n" \

" <a href=\"https://codereview.qt-project.org/\">Code Review</a>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

" <div class=\"qt13a-sixCol\">\n" \

" <div id=\"qt13a-title_nav\">\n" \

" <div id=\"qt13a-title\">\n" \

" <p class=\"qt13a-title\">myApp documentation</p>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

" <div class=\"main\">\n" \

" <div class=\"main-rounded\">\n" \

" <div class=\"navigationbar\">\n" \

" <ul>\n" \

HTML.postpostheader = \

" </ul>\n" \

" </div>\n" \

"<div class=\"content\">\n" \

" <div class=\"line\">\n" \

" <div class=\"content mainContent\">\n" \

HTML.stylesheets = online.css

27th February 2015, 16:26
I finally figured out why the warnings came. Groups (and maybe qmodules) have to be defined in a seperate file with qdoc extension, like


\group group1
\brief Brief description

Full description


Putting this in a qml-file will not work. It will just be ignored. Thats not all. Files need to be defined in the config. In this case add

sources.fileextensions += *.qdocs