View Full Version : Debug complex application (phantomjs) with Qt Creator

1st March 2015, 15:47

I'm trying to debug PhantomJS 2 (it's an application based on QT 5.3 and WebKit: http://phantomjs.org/, https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/) with Qt Creator. I set breakpoints in necessary lines and trying to navigate between them by using F10 and F11 keys. Sometimes when I enter to the core class/method I see only disassembled hex version of this class. For example I have this problem with QNetworkAccessManager::get inspite of the fact that I have sources of this file (https://github.com/ariya/phantomjs/blob/master/src/qt/qtbase/src/network/access/qnetworkaccessmanager.cpp#L698).

How can I set up debugger to use source files in such case rather than binary?

Added after 19 minutes:

Hm... looks like qt core isn't added to the .pro-file and I need to add it and rebuild project.