View Full Version : QScroller choppy animation on Android

19th March 2015, 06:25
I have a listwidget

QScroller::grabGesture(ui->listWidget, QScroller::LeftMouseButtonGesture);
On desktop scrolling is smooth no matter how many items i have in the list but on android the animation is choppy both on real device and on emulator.
I'm using

setHorizontalScrollMode(QAbstractItemView::ScrollP erPixel);
It seems that the gui struggles to render the animation and is very annoying.The feeling is like playing a modern game on a old computer.

19th March 2015, 07:50
The CPU on the simulator and device are likely not as fast as the CPU on the desktop.

You could try a QtQuick2 based UI, which is mostly rendered hardware accelerated on the GPU.


21st March 2015, 14:13
Thank you for your reply!
All QtQuick animation are fluid but I have a big project and I have never used Qml so i have no ideea how to make only the gui in qml and keep logic in c++.
I will try to find another way to display the data!