View Full Version : Slide Show using QGraphicscene

26th March 2015, 12:26
I want to show slide show images for every 1 sec(Default).But the application was close completely after 4 Hours.I will explain how i did this?

I Create a ads_displayprocess.cpp and it contains,

void MainWindow::display_ads()
//! this function will display images in qframe.

static int NextImage; //!! declare image count
Reset = &NextImage; //!! move to pointer
if(AdsImageAddress.count() > 0) //! check it no file
QPixmap ImageData(AdsImageAddress.at(NextImage)); //! put file in pixmap
QGraphicsScene * ImageScene = new QGraphicsScene(); //! create a graphics scene
ui->ImageView->setScene(ImageScene); //! add graphicsview to scene
QGraphicsPixmapItem * AdsImage = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(ImageData.scaled(ui->ads->width()-30,ui->ads->height()-30, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::FastTransformation)); //! add pixmap to graphicspixmap
ImageScene->addItem(AdsImage); //! add scene to graphics view
ui->ImageView->show(); //! show image
NextImage++; //! repeat process
NextImage = (NextImage == AdsImageAddress.count()) ? (0):(NextImage); //! check for image count
else //! if no path is found
// throw "No PATH Define"; //! throw a exception
Ads_PATH_PROCESS("/home/pi/DataImage"); // set default path
display_ads(); // display ads again.

void MainWindow::Ads_PATH_PROCESS(QString PATH)
//! this function make path to image

AdsImageAddress.clear(); //! clear the list
QDir AdsDir(PATH); //! get the path

QStringList Filter, PathFile; //! create new strings

Filter << "*.png" <<"*.jpg" <<"*.jpeg"; //! filter the dir with images
AdsDir.setNameFilters(Filter); //! fileter process

PathFile = AdsDir.entryList(QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks); //! get only files

if(PathFile.count() > 0) //! if images are found
PATH+="/"; //! add a path variable if missing
foreach(QString list,PathFile) //! for each image path
AdsImageAddress.append(PATH+list) ; //! add path and file name to list
*Reset = 0; //! reset NextImage so the pointer Reset Data.

#ifdef DEBUG
qDebug() <<"mainwindow.cpp : "<< "Ads PATH: " << PATH <<endl;

In mainwindow.cpp contains

QThread *AdsTimeThread = new QThread(this); // init this timer thread
AdsTime = new QTimer; // created a new timer
AdsTime->start(); // start the timer

AdsTime->setInterval(ads_window->AdsInterval * 1000); // add interval, by default 1000 = 1sec
AdsTime->moveToThread(AdsTimeThread); // add timer to thread
AdsTimeThread->connect(AdsTime,SIGNAL(timeout()),this,SLOT(displa y_ads()));

So Is it any wrong with this code?I dont know how it exist after 4 hrs.So i need your help for solve this kind of problem.

26th March 2015, 13:07
Ensure that your scene is only created once and that the pixmap item is only created once and then gets updated with the new image.

Right now it looks like you are creating a new scene for every image but not deleting the old one, i.e. a massiv memory leak.

Also, why the thread for the timer?
