View Full Version : please help with: no matching function error

31st March 2015, 12:48
Please help with the following errors:

In constructor 'Savings::Savings(QString, QDate, double, double)':
error: no matching function for call to 'Assets::Assets(QString&, QDate&)'
note: candidates are: Assets::Assets(QString, QDate, QString, double)
note: Assets::Assets()
note: Assets::Assets(const Assets&)

here is my Asset code: (there are other classes that are not included here)


#ifndef ASSETS_H
#define ASSETS_H

#include <QString>
#include <QDate>

class Assets : public QObject {

Q_PROPERTY(QString description READ getDescription WRITE setDescription NOTIFY descriptionChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(QDate date READ getDate WRITE setDate NOTIFY dateChanged );
Q_PROPERTY(QString type READ getType WRITE setType NOTIFY typeChanged);
Q_PROPERTY(double price READ getPrice WRITE setPrice NOTIFY valueChanged );
Assets(QString des, QDate dat, QString t, double p);

void setDescription(QString des);
QString getDescription() const;

void setDate(QDate dat);
QDate getDate() const;

void setType(QString t);
QString getType() const;

void setPrice(double p);
double getPrice() const;

QString toString() const;
virtual double value() const = 0;
QString description;
QDate date;
QString type;
double price;

#endif // ASSETS_H

Assets.cpp code

#include "assets.h"

description = QString();
date = QDate::currentDate();
type = QString();
price = 0.0;

Assets::Assets(QString des, QDate dat, QString t, double p):
description(des), date(dat), type(t), price(p)

void Assets::setDescription(QString des)
description = des;

QString Assets::getDescription() const
return description;

void Assets::setType(QString t)
type = t;

QString Assets::getType() const
return type;

void Assets::setDate(QDate dat)
date = dat;

QDate Assets::getDate() const
return date;

void Assets::setPrice(double p)
price = p;

double Assets::getPrice() const
return price;

QString Assets::toString() const
return QString("Description " + description + " Date " + date.toString("dd MMMM yyyy"));

here is Saving.h code

#ifndef SAVINGS_H
#define SAVINGS_H

#include "assets.h"

class Savings : public Assets
double currentValue;
double interestRate;
Savings(QString des, QDate dat, double cv, double ir);
void changeValue(double amount);
void addInterest();
double value() const;
QString toString() const;

#endif // SAVINGS_H

Savings.cpp code

#include "savings.h"

Savings::Savings(QString des, QDate dat, double cv, double ir)
: Assets(des, dat), currentValue(cv), interestRate(ir)

void Savings::changeValue(double amount) {
currentValue += amount;

double Savings::value() const {
return currentValue;

void Savings::addInterest() {
currentValue += currentValue*interestRate/1200.0;

QString Savings::toString() const{
return QString("[Savings Assets] %1 \nAn amount of %2 represent Savings assets.")

and part of Savings.cpp code where the compiler complains

Savings::Savings(QString des, QDate dat, double cv, double ir)
: Assets(des, dat), currentValue(cv), interestRate(ir)

31st March 2015, 15:22
You have no constructor for Assets that takes two QStrings.

You have to either add a constructor that takes only two QString arguments, add the two missing arguments to use the existing constructor, or give them default values in the header declaration such as:

Assets(QString des, QDate dat, QString t = "", double p = 0);