View Full Version : Animation in QNX

9th April 2015, 10:06
Dear All,

I tried to run an animation application using Qt in QNX 6.6.

QtQuick2.2 Application.
Animation using XAnimator, YAnimator, ScaleAnimator with loops: Animation.Infinite

The animation is very slow in QNX Platform, but the same application is running fine in Linux Platform.

Tried by setting the environment variable QSG_FIXED_ANIMATION_STEP to no. But no improvements.


If you feel that Qt Quick animations run too slow…

Qt5 on QNX uses fixed step animation timing. That means it advances the animations by 16ms (if the display refresh rate is 60Hz) per frame, no matter how long a frame takes to render. While this gives perfect results if your application is running at a frame rate equal to display refresh rate (usually 60Hz), this will lead to slow animations when the frame rate drops is is generally slower on a given hardware. If your target can not maintain a constant frame rate consider setting the "QSG_FIXED_ANIMATION_STEP" environmental variable to "no", or use a custom animation driver.

Thanks and Regards,