View Full Version : Qt5Core.dll entry point

20th April 2015, 22:36
Hello together,

I would be really thankful if you could give me a hand on this.

I am using Win 7 and the standard compiler " MinGW 4.9.1 32bit ".

Three days ago I downloaded Qt Creator and wrote a "hello world" programme. After that I built the programme and copied the necessary .dlls next to the .exe. But instead of working I get an entry point error depending on the taken " Qt5Core.dll " whenever I try to open my "programme".
If I copy Qt5Core.dll from " C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin " , I get an entry point mistake of " ??1QTextBoundaryFinder@@QAE@XZ " and
if I copy Qt5Core.dll from " C:\Qt\5.4\Tools\QtCreator\bin " , I get an entry point mistake of " _ZN10ArrayData10deallocateEPS_jj " ...
What am I doing wrong? :confused:

I have already tried scanf but everything is fine. In one forum I read I should change the compiler, but I don't know how to do it and how it should work.

I am relying on your thoughts - thank you very much in advance,

22nd April 2015, 03:20
If you are using the bundled compiler then All the deployment DLLs should come from the "c:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\" folder and sub folders.

If you are using a Microsoft compiler then all of the deployment DLLs should come from the Qt library bundle that matches the compiler.

The DLLs under the Tools\QtCreator folder are for running Qt Creator only. They are from a Microsoft built library bundle but not necessarily the same as the compiler you use.

22nd April 2015, 16:32
If I copy Qt5Core.dll from " C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin " , I get an entry point mistake of " ??1QTextBoundaryFinder@@QAE@XZ "

This looks to me like the name-mangling that the Microsoft VC++ compiler creates. Are you sure you are compiling your "hello world" program using mingw, and that you are linking it to the mingw libraries?

22nd April 2015, 18:50
@ChrisW67: thank u, I will remember that

@d_stranz: I looked the compiler up and it should be mingw. The appertaining path is "C:\Qt\Tools\mingw491_32\bin\g++.exe" and it's the only compiler at the defaults. But perhaps it's indeed wrong linked. How can I check that? If you need the makefile or sth. like that just say it.
Thank you very much!

Besides I noticed something strange:
If I compile for debug and start the programme in the debug-file it's working fine, however, not in the release-file. How can that be?

debug-file: "build-try-Desktop_Qt_5_4_1_MinGW_32bit-Debug"
release-file: "build-try-Desktop_Qt_5_4_1_MinGW_32bit-Release"

Well, I am stupid, the debug-version doesn't need the "Qt5Core.dll", since it uses "Qt5Cored.dll"