View Full Version : How to load NPAPi programmatically in QWebEngineView

21st April 2015, 13:43
I read in an article that by default NPAPI is disabled since moving forward with QT, NPAPI will be depreciated.

How do I enable this NPAPI programmatically, just like we do in chrome (chrome://flags ->enable NPAPI)

21st April 2015, 21:50
I don't think you can do that.

22nd April 2015, 05:25
Unity3d object is being loaded through NPAPI plugin.

Then How to load unity3d object in QWebEngineView
or Is there a way I can play the unity3d animation in QWebEngineView.

Will I be able to use PPAPI instead of NPAPI wherein I can load this unity 3d object.

Added after 40 minutes:

Is it possible to load UnityWebPlayer plugin directly in QWebEngineView.

Since I am new to this QWebEngine, not sure how to load external plugins in Qt

22nd April 2015, 06:33
As far as I can tell QWebEngine doesn't support NPAPI plugins nor it probably ever will.

You can probably embed a custom unity widget directly in the view if you need it. Of course first you'll have to implement that widget yourself first.

22nd April 2015, 07:30
I tried loading, that unity 3d designed page in Otter-Browser (latest) which is developed on QT.
The unity 3D page got loaded successfully.

22nd April 2015, 07:37
I tried loading, that unity 3d designed page in Otter-Browser (latest) which is developed on QT.
The unity 3D page got loaded successfully.

Great but why are you telling us that?

23rd April 2015, 10:44
I want to know, how it's getting loaded in that browser.
But not in the browser examples given under QT/examples.

I checked the code of the Otter Browser, they are making use of both QWebEngineWidgets and QtWebKits.

So not able to understand what's exactly done to enable that unity 3d web player plugin, Since I am being beginner.

23rd April 2015, 11:14
Well, if the developers of that browser managed to do it, have you asked them?


23rd April 2015, 12:17
Nope, will check with them.
Meanwhile source code for that browser is found this link