View Full Version : System cannot find the Qt Platform Plugin

26th April 2015, 17:42
Hi guys, I've developed this small application which I want to give to my friend to try out but when he tries opening the application, this is the error he gets11136. I can open the application fine on my computer. I included all the dll's the system asked for, in the same directory as the application and I can open the application. But when I send my friend the folder with the application and all the dll's, he still gets this error.

26th April 2015, 19:49

have a look at http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-deployment.html. At the end of the page you find a description of the tool windeployqt that copies all dlls and plugins needed by your application into the application folder. Note however that it only copies the Qt dlls. If you have linked other libraries, you have to add the corresponding dlls to your application folder. I recommed creating a new folder, copying your application into this folder and then run windeployqt inside the new folder.

Best regards

26th April 2015, 21:45
You need to deploy the platform plugin (qwindows.dll IIRC) to the folder "platforms" in the same place as the executable. This is mentioned in the page ars referred to: