View Full Version : Mac Port of Windows code

11th February 2006, 12:39

I have ported to Mac a code I wrote a while back. Now while the code compiled fine the images in the resource file refuse to show up. More over after having set the Icon Size of a Button in designers calling setIcon on it changes to 16x16. I have also tried using seticon size. I have same code which works just fine in Windows. Any pointers ? Thanks in advance

13th February 2006, 07:30

Do you have some painter errors when you launch your app, and if so, is it related to those resource images ?
You should post some sample code, and explain a little more how you use the resources :)

I know that with Qt 3xx and Qt 4.0.x series, Mac support was incomplete...
I experienced a lot of issues when I wrote my Qt3 app, two years ago...

is your code written in Qt3 ?


13th February 2006, 07:37
Hi GuiLugi

Thanks for replying. No the code was written in QT 4.0.0. But when I ported it to the Mac I used 4.1.0. I should have realized the problem lay there :) You see I was calling resources to setup button backgrounds. In Qt 4.1.0 you need to explicitly call setAutofillBackgropund to render the backgrounds. :( ... Also Qt::Background has been deprecated. Man simple issue but a whole lot of chaos ... Thanks anyway!