View Full Version : About QGLWidget 's construct function

9th May 2015, 09:25
for the construct function

QGLWidget(QWidget * parent = 0, const QGLWidget * shareWidget = 0, Qt::WindowFlags f = 0)

when I use it likes this,(the class slicerCanvas and secCan all inherit QGLWidget)

slicerX_ = new slicerCanvas(centerWidget_);//which load data and gen texture object
secWid_ = new secCan(centerWidget_,slicerX_);

the secWid_ can display correct. But if the code like this

secWid_ = new secCan(centerWidget_);
slicerX_ = new slicerCanvas(centerWidget_,secWid_);//which load data and gen texture object

the secWid_ display correct(I use signal and slot to send and receive texture object,I don't konw whether this correct),I realy don't konw why.

10th May 2015, 09:33
I have solved this issue,I use QOpenGLWidget instead of QGLWidget