View Full Version : How to delete completely an object of my project?

20th May 2015, 03:31
Good evening!

I created a program and i put a button in it but after thinking better i decided delete it in the design mode, and now, everytime i try to compile the program i get the following message:

QMetaObject::connectSlotsByName: No matching signal for on_execButton_clicked()

How can i fix it?
Is there any option in qtcreator3.4.0 to erase any reference to an object deleted in all my files automatically?

20th May 2015, 03:42
Have you tried manually running qmake from the build menu and then try to rebuild?

20th May 2015, 06:29
Good evening!

I created a program and i put a button in it but after thinking better i decided delete it in the design mode, and now, everytime i try to compile the program i get the following message:

How can i fix it?
Is there any option in qtcreator3.4.0 to erase any reference to an object deleted in all my files automatically?

Manually remove the slot from your code or change the function name to something that doesn't match the connect-by-name scheme.