View Full Version : In Pyqt4 Mouse movement on Text written in label display details

27th May 2015, 14:08
I have developed a Temperature test model in Pyqt4 GUI. Is there any possibility that if i move the cursor of my mouse on text written in label it should show the details related to that text. For example if "Temperature" is written in label and if i move my mouse on Temperature it should display the temperature range.

Will be thankful for help !!

27th May 2015, 14:19
I succeeded using the "toolTip" property.


27th May 2015, 14:22
Hey Chris can you provide me a little bit detail :)

27th May 2015, 14:28
In the attached screen example, you should see where I added the comments "Are you serious?" in the GUI form under the "Design" option on the background, the panel on the right shows the "toolTip" property and the screen in front shows what the result looks like.

27th May 2015, 14:49
BRAVO !!!!
Thanks :) :)