View Full Version : to execute a .m file in qt on ubuntu OS

3rd June 2015, 08:13
hi !
i am a beginner in Qt
i am using qt in ubuntu
i want to run a .m file in octave using qt such that when a push button is clicked the .m file is executed and the output .dat file is generated

my octave location is /usr/bin/octave
.m file location is /home/evr/Downloads/flag.m

i want the .m file to be executed without any window showing up and it must directly generate the output file.

Please help me.
Thanks in advance :)

3rd June 2015, 10:51
Use QProcess (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qprocess.html#details) .

3rd June 2015, 11:07
I've tried it.
can you please send me an example as in how to use that on this purpose.
here is what i have tried:
void MainWindow:: on_pushButton_clicked()

QProcess* p = new QProcess( this );
p->start( QString( "/usr/bin/octave"),
QStringList() << QString("-r /home/evr/Downloads/flag.m"));

Thank you :)

3rd June 2015, 12:05
QProcess* p = new QProcess( this );
p->start( QString( "/usr/bin/octave"),
QStringList() << QString("-r /home/evr/Downloads/flag.m"));
Do you have any idea what above code is doing ? If yes then please explain the last line of code.
Of course, you can just copy & paste some code from here and there and pray that it will finally work, but you will be back here asking for help with every single issue.
I could give you the solution, but I think it's better for you to solve it for yourself.
So again - what is the last line of code doing ?

4th June 2015, 06:00
when i searched online
it showed some commands like -r is to run the file
-no desktop to not show up the window
-window to show the window etc.,
so i tried that out here.
Pardon me if i am wrong.
As far as i know the last code is running the .m file flag in the specified location.
I started using Qt since just 4 days :(

4th June 2015, 08:35
Ok, this is not that hard, just append each argument to the string list one by one and everything should work ok.

4th June 2015, 11:24
Can you please tell me how to do it ??

4th June 2015, 13:35
You have a QStringList, you add arguments to it like you already do.
Just each argument separately instead of all arguments in one string.


6th June 2015, 12:19
To be clear, the "-r" and the file name are two separate arguments.