View Full Version : how to define the callback function in QThread?

27th March 2007, 08:13
I just want to use the callback in QThread,but cannot define the static varibale.The following is the code :
/////////////////// qt_metaobject not found the static varible code ////////
typedef void (__stdcall * STORESCPCALLBACK)(char* progress, char * filename);
class mythread :public QThread
static char * mystr1;
static char * mystr2;
static void storeSCPCallback(char* progress, char * filename);
void myfuncion(STORESCPCALLBACK test);
void run();

in the function myfuncion,i callback the storeSCPCallback; in storeSCPCallback,i used the two static variable.
when compiled it ,vc7 always report the error, qt_metaobject not define the varible mystr1and mystr2.
when i move the static varible out of the QThread,it's ok. why???
///////////// ok code////////////
static char * mystr1;
static char * mystr2;
class mythread :public QThread
static void storeSCPCallback(char* progress, char * filename);
void myfuncion(STORESCPCALLBACK test);
void run();

27th March 2007, 10:18
when compiled it ,vc7 always report the error, qt_metaobject not define the varible mystr1and mystr2.
when i move the static varible out of the QThread,it's ok. why???

Do you define your static variables somewhere outside class definition? Static variables in class definition are only declarations:

// MyClass.h
class MyClass {
static int myStatic; // this is only declaration
// MyClass.cpp
#include "MyClass.h"

int MyClass::myStatic = 0; // here is definition

27th March 2007, 10:25
What version of Qt are you using?
Why don't you just use signals/slots (which is nothing more than call backs) or events?
Please use code tags for code

28th March 2007, 01:51
thanks,danadam,you are right. but the another question comes: if the static variable is just fucntion define variable or enum define variable, the compiler still report error,"the variable have defined" .how to do it?
1. typedef void (__stdcall * STORESCUCALLBACK)(T_StoreProgress* progress);
2. class myclass
3 {
4 static STORESCUCALLBACK mystorecallback;
5 }
6 STORESCUCALLBACK myclass::mystorecallback=NULL;

28th March 2007, 13:16
typedef void (__stdcall * STORESCUCALLBACK)(T_StoreProgress* progress);
class myclass
static STORESCUCALLBACK mystorecallback;
STORESCUCALLBACK myclass::mystorecallback=NULL;
I can't see nothing wrong in this example. The error maybe caused by something else. Below is a sample code with static pointer to function and with passing pointer to function to method:
// Test.h
#ifndef TEST_H_
#define TEST_H_

typedef int (* FUNC_PTR)(int, int);

class Test
static int add(int l, int r);
static int mul(int l, int r);
static FUNC_PTR funcPtr; // declaration of static pointer to function

void doTheJob();

int callback(FUNC_PTR f, int l, int r); // declaration of function with parameter

// Test.cpp
#include "Test.h"
#include <iostream>

Test::funcPtr = NULL; // definition of static pointer to function

Test::add(int l, int r) {
return l+r;

Test::mul(int l, int r) {
return l*r;

Test::callback(FUNC_PTR f, int l, int r) {
return f(l, r);

Test::doTheJob() {
int result = callback(funcPtr, 2, 5);
std::cout << "result = " << result << std::endl;
// main.cpp
#include "Test.h"
int main ()
Test test;
test.funcPtr = Test::add;

test.funcPtr = Test::mul;

30th March 2007, 03:11
but if declare static variable in class,it will report error.

30th March 2007, 10:59
If above example reports an error then I'm afraid I won't help you. It compiles on gcc without any errors. If the example works ok, and error occurs in some of your code then paste here exact error message and a piece of code that generates it (with a few lines above and below the line reported in error).