View Full Version : QT 4.8 Layout Problem

10th June 2015, 15:37

I add a widget, and an existing layout into the main layout as follows,

QHBoxLayout* l = new QHBoxLayout();
l->setMargin( 2 );
l->setSpacing( 5 ) );
l->addWidget( txtLabel ); // seen on the main layout in QT 4.8
l->addLayout( mLayout, 1 ); // not seen on the main layout in QT 4.8

The above code block works OK with 4.1, but it does not work OK with QT4.8. Could you please help about this difference ?

11th June 2015, 09:14
What exactly is "not seen"? Layouts do not have any visual appearance. Where exactly is this something "not seen"? What is this "main layout"? Where do you apply it?