View Full Version : Launch octave from Qt

11th June 2015, 12:12
Is there any way to launch octave using Qt with a button click?
I tried this

QProcess p;
But it didn't work. Nothing is being displayed.
Any kind of help is appreciated.... Thanks in advance

11th June 2015, 19:14
QProcess emits one of two signals (started() or error()). You aren't connecting to either of those, so how do you know that the octave process is actually started successfully?

12th June 2015, 08:09
I figured out this...

void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QString filename = "/home/ubuntu/Documents/MATLAB/test.m";
QProcess *p = new QProcess(this);
QString app = "gnome-terminal -e octave";
QStringList arguments;
arguments << QString ("run('%1')".arg(filename));

With the above code in Ubuntu, I'm able to launch octave, but test.m file is not being run. Kindly help me

12th June 2015, 08:26
But this code is : run a program called gnome-terminal -e octave with one argument run(/home/ubuntu/Documents/MATLAB/test.m).
In other words command line is : "gnome-terminal -e octave" run(/home/ubuntu/Documents/MATLAB/test.m)

12th June 2015, 10:03
in terminal, if only
octave /home/ubuntu/Documents/MATLAB/test.m
is clicked, my test file is being run. How can I do that through Qt?