View Full Version : Accessing android camera

12th June 2015, 20:54
I recently started using Qt and have been working on developing an android app. I looked at the sample camera app that uses the QtDesigner to make ui files but I could not get the camera to work on my phone. After researching this, I found that multimediawidgets does not work on Android. Redoing the app in qml is out of the question for me but I was wondering if there is a simple way to implement a camera operation into the app. Maybe adding a qml function to it?

19th August 2015, 11:13
I have the same problem. I use Qt5 and I absolutely need to get the Camera Example working on Android. This Qt5 example use the classes QCamera, QCameraImageCapture and QCameraViewfinder. When I execute the example on my device, I only get a black screen :

I'm asking myself, are these classes made to work under Android ? And if not so, how can I use the camera of my mobile (to take photos and videos) on Android with a full C++ Qt Widgets application (this condition is a mandatory constraint for me) ?