View Full Version : Unable to connect to mariadb database server with qt 4.8.5 and Ubuntu 12.04

15th June 2015, 13:36
I use the following code to connect to a MySQL server database.

QSqlDatabase db_Server = QSqlDatabase::database("Test");

//find mysql driver
db_Server = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QMYSQL","Test");

bool ret = db_Server.open();
if(ret) qDebug() << "Database open"
else qDebug() << db_Server.lastError().text();

Lately they changed the server to mariadb and I assumed it was compatible with QMYSQL driver and used the above code to access the database, but I get the following error
"Can't connect to MySQL server on '188.**.***.***' (101) QMYSQL: Unable to connect"

Is there any additional thing that I need to do with mariadb to connect to the server? Any help is appreciated

I had built the MySQL plugin the following way
#sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
#cd $QTDIR/src/plugins/sqdrivers/mysql
#sudo qmake “INCLUDEPATH+=usr/include/mysql” “LIBS+=-L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu –lmysqlclient_r” mysql.pro
#sudo make
#sudo make install

Should I do any changes for mariadb similarly?

19th June 2015, 14:09
It was a problem with the database and not the Qt application, the connection refused if a password was used.