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View Full Version : QtSocket readyRead and exception

16th June 2015, 13:16

If you are processing a readyRead slot and new information is received, you will not be inform about it. It looks logical...


Is it possible that an exception thrown inside of readyRead slot, and captured on QApplication::notify the socket thinks my application continues inside readyRead slot?

To solve it, I only need to add a try catch on readyRead slot.

It looks confusing and not enough documented.

I suppose, that Qt cannot manage the situation because the slot could be thrown to a different thread. Is that right?

kind regards

16th June 2015, 14:06

If you are processing a readyRead slot and new information is received, you will not be inform about it. It looks logical...

Are you certain that the problem mentioned in the thread you linked to actually exists? Have you run into it? I have always assumed that all I had to do was read all the available data before exiting readyRead(), and I have never faced such an issue doing so.

Is it possible that an exception thrown inside of readyRead slot, and captured on QApplication::notify the socket thinks my application continues inside readyRead slot?

To solve it, I only need to add a try catch on readyRead slot.

It looks confusing and not enough documented.
You must not let an exception propagate outside a slot whose execution was triggered by Qt's signals and slots mechanism; see http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/exceptionsafety.html#signals-and-slots. Maybe the documentation does not put enough stress on this limitation.

I suppose, that Qt cannot manage the situation because the slot could be thrown to a different thread. Is that right?
I am not aware of the reasons for this limitation, but supporting exceptions would raise--no pun intended--some non-trivial questions. E.g would the exception propagate to the caller for a direct connection, and outside the event loop executing the slot for a queued connection? This would break the locality of the component model offered by signals and slots. Besides, Qt's code would need to be exception-safe, which would probably significantly hurt performance.