View Full Version : WebEngineView->findText()

17th June 2015, 07:58
I am using QWebEngineView to display the .html page.

I try to use findText to find where the search text is found on the loaded page.

bool textFound;
findText(QStringLiteral("Experience"), QWebEnginePage::FindFlags(), [this](bool found) { textFound = found;});
// do my processing

When I execute this code, getting error as below
error: expected expression
findText(QStringLiteral("Experience"), QWebEnginePage::FindFlags(), [this](bool found) { qDebug()<<"inside";});

Kindly help me resolve this issue.

17th June 2015, 08:48
Dont you need to call the findText function via an object ??

17th June 2015, 10:06
I am calling this from inside the webengineview class

17th June 2015, 12:10
void WebEngineView::foundText(bool value)
textFound = value;

void searchText()
findText(QStringLiteral("exception"), QWebEnginePage::FindFlags(),
[=](bool found) { foundText(found); }

This is the code which works