View Full Version : Is it possible to do QML/QQuick like UI animations using c++?

6th July 2015, 05:13
Is it possible to do QML like ui animations using c++?If possible,which module(s) should I use?

6th July 2015, 08:08
The PropertyAnimation is almost identically available as QPropertyAnimation.
There are also equivalents for SequentialAnimation, ParallelAnimation and PauseAnimation.

All in QtCore


7th July 2015, 06:12
Thanks for your answer.So ,can we say that we can use C++ instead of Qml, to create equally animated UIs?

7th July 2015, 06:16
Thanks for your answer.So ,can we say that we can use C++ instead of Qml, to create equally animated UIs?

Yes and no. Yes, because the semantics of the animation are the same. No, because a Qt Quick scene is rendered in a special way which makes it very fast.

7th July 2015, 07:11
Thanks for your answer.