View Full Version : how to create a QML application to diaplay google map and a navigation window in QML

13th July 2015, 12:00
Please some one suggest the appropriate way to create a QML application to diaplay google map and a navigation window in QML.

I heard WebView is one of the options, when i tried using webview like below, it displays the google home page when url is google.com, but when i give maps.google.com, nothing displays:

import QtQuick 2.0
import QtWebKit 3.0

WebView {
width: 1024
url: "http://www.google.com"

Component.onCompleted: {

function report(loadRequest) {

Please suggest which is the appropriate way for my requirement.

16th July 2015, 06:16
Please help me out to display Google Map with directions in QML