View Full Version : want to use the resultat of a function in another function

19th July 2015, 21:42
hello people :) . i need some help.
I have a mainWindow(1rst Function of .cpp) with a menubar. the menubar help to choise a directory with SiGNAL & SLOT (2nd Function). The directory is for example : home\users\...... .
My problem : I want to pass the directory-value(here a QString) to another function!!! But it is not happened.

here is my code:

class MainWindow:public QMainWindow

MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);

QString getDirName() const;

public slots:
void selectdirectory() ;

QMenu *menuFile;
QAction *Dateipath;

#endif // MAINWINDOW_H


MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent):QMainWindow(parent)
menuFile = menuBar()->addMenu("&File");

Dateipath = new QAction("&Select directory", this);
menuFile -> addAction(Dateipath);

QObject::connect(Dateipath, SIGNAL(triggered()),this, SLOT(selectdirectory()));

void MainWindow::selectdirectory()

QString mydirectory= "home\users\........"


QString MainWindow::getDirName() const
I need QString mydirectory here

19th July 2015, 22:24
You can declare mydirectory as a member of the MainWindow class and then it will be available in all other member functions.
Not really Qt issue but more a C++/programming knowledge issue...


QMenu *menuFile;
QAction *Dateipath;
QString mydirectory; // Add this


void MainWindow::selectdirectory()
// don't declare a local variable here, assign the value to the member variable
mydirectory = "home\users\........"

QString MainWindow::getDirName() const
return mydirectory; // and there we have it

There are many ways to do this, but this will do what you asked for...

21st July 2015, 23:31
thank you very much mikag. But it's not happen.
the problem is: I use the return (mydirectory) in another Cpp-Directory.
When I do like you, I get "the program has crashed". This is very confusing. May be i should use another way to transfer this Value "mydirectory"

when I try to do like this, it works: I mean, I get my result in the other cpp

void MainWindow::selectdirectory()

QString MainWindow::getDirName() const
QString mydirectory = "home\users\........" ;
return mydirectory;

22nd July 2015, 07:30
If you want help with code that does not work, you will have to show the code that does not work, not code that works but does something different then what you need.
