View Full Version : QT 4.3 beta on Windows 2000

29th March 2007, 11:03

I would like to test the QT 4.3 beta that can be downloaded here (http://www.trolltech.com/developer/downloads/qt/qt43-betadownload).

So, like it is recommanded, I extract it and configure it :

configure -fast -no-style-windowsxp -no-style-windowsvista

Next, I try to compile it :


cc1.exe: tmp/obj/debug_shared/qt_pch.h: No such file or directory
cc1.exe: one or more PCH files were found, but they were invalid
cc1.exe: use -Winvalid-pch for more information
mingw32-make[4]: *** [tmp/obj/debug_shared/adler32.o] Error 1

I disable as much libs as possible, cause I get errors while making Qt... :confused:
So I try :

configure -fast -no-style-windowsxp -no-style-windowsvista -no-dsp -no-vcproj -no-mmx -no-3dnow -no-sse -no-zlib -no-gif -
no-libpng -no-libjpeg

And I get the following error :


Creating library file: d:/Qt_beta/4.3/lib/libQtGuid4.a
./tmp/obj/debug_shared/qwizard.o(.rdata$_ZTV7QWizard[vtable for QWizard]+0xb8): In function `ZN9QHashData9firstNodeEv':
D:/Qt_beta/4.3/include/QtCore/../../src/corelib/tools/qhash.h: undefined reference to `QWizard::winEvent(tagMSG*, long*)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

29th March 2007, 21:33
What is "ccl.exe"?

2nd April 2007, 08:35
cc_"one".exe ;)

It appears to be the gcc compilator.

4th April 2007, 19:54
This is "1"? Hmm... maybe :)

Anyway, are you sure you have unzipped the sources properly? Maybe you have some files missing?