View Full Version : Using QUiLoader to load qwtPlot [SOLVED]

11th August 2015, 08:55
Hello everybody.
I'm trying to port an application from QT4.x to QT5.5 and Qwt5.2 to 6.1-multiaxes in windows7 32bit.

I successfully compiled both the application ad the new QWT (qwt-code-228-branches-qwt-6.1.-multiaxes).

Now I am facing an error while loading a simple ui file containing a qwtPlot object.

QT and QWT dlls, as well as plugins (C:\app and C:\app\plugins) are in the same directory of the application.

The code is the following:

loader=new QUiLoader();
QStringList pluginpaths=loader->pluginPaths(); // C:\app\plugins\designer; c:\app\designer
QStringList availablewidgets=loader->availableWidgets(); // no qwt objects here
MainWindow=(QMainWindow*)loader->load(&file,0); // ok, window is loaded
varQwt = MainWindow->findChildren<QwtPlot *>(); //no QwtPlot objects found

Debugging the code I find that availablewidgets() returns a list without qwt objects.

Copying designer.exe in c:\app I can load the ui file and add see qwt objects.

Any hints?

Thanks in advance

OK, the problem was very simple, after found...
QWT debug_and_release switch builds only release the plugin.
So I built the debug plugin versione and installed in the usual directory (I called it qwt_designer_plugind.dll).

Using the application debug version the plugin wasn't loaded automatically, so availablewidgets() did not find the qwt objects.
