View Full Version : make the widget transparent to see the video visible from backend.

11th August 2015, 09:32
Dear Experts,

How to make the widget transparent so that background playing video should be visible. For example if I open an any widget (or any menu) it should not hide the back ground video which is playing, instead it should sow that video in the background which we can watch along with the menu and their menu -items should be transparent. As I'm developing one widget for my embedded device.

I would really appreciated any help/suggestions. Thanks in advance.


12th August 2015, 11:23
Mate try calling: setWindowOpacity(qreal). setting to 0 = widget is invisible, 1 = widget fully opaque 0.5 = half visible. etc...

If you are doing this on Unix/Linux apparently you have to ensure that your platform has a Compositing Window Manager. KDE4 onwards has one and recent versions of Gnome but I wouldn't know about others. There's also some other things to be mindful of on X11 platforms. If you search for "setWindowOpacity() X11 issues" you should be able to find better information.

13th August 2015, 04:04
Thank you so much for your kind reply, I'll try it n let u know. :)
