View Full Version : QColor, where i can download template for Qt creator?

15th August 2015, 14:09
i'm new, i'm not programmer, i'm try to use how works QT..
first my test is Qcolor, for color wheel or dialog color for test change position of slide and picker..square ..

but i need first download ready to use and i can read how do make it..
it's possible?

15th August 2015, 15:52
What are you asking for exactly?
Where to download QtCreator?


15th August 2015, 16:25
AFAIK, there is no Designer template for a color dialog. There is a ready-to-use color dialog offered by the QColorDialog class. See QColorDialog documentation, especially QColorDialog::getColor() static function. Calling getColor() creates a color dialog and returns a chosen color (or an invalid color if the dialog has been canceled; test using color.isValid() ). Simply call the function - you do not need any additional working.

BTW, you need to be a programmer, at least a bit, if you want to see how does Qt work. Look at contemporary C++.