View Full Version : QListWidget in ListMode - still has icon space

29th March 2007, 22:40
a short question:
From the docs I understood, that if I set the view mode to ListMode, then the list will show the items with out an icon.
I constructed a simple list with strings, but all strings have a space between them and the left border of the widget - I presume its where the icon should be - it looks like the IconMode just there is space istead of an icon.
A hint in the right direction will be most appreciated.

30th March 2007, 11:19
hmm... no one knows?:confused:

30th March 2007, 11:27
Sorry, I'm not sure if I understood the problem description correctly. At least I have no extra spacing for icon there.. Could you provide a screenshot? :)

30th March 2007, 12:01
Thanks for replying.
I can't provide a screen shot at the moment, only later this evening (not at home)...
So, basically, if I use ListMode, and popluate it with strings, then I should get a regular list, so:
|item1 |
|item2 |
|item3 |

And not what I am getting - so:
| item1 |
| item2 |
| item3 |

Then I must be doing somthing wrong, I'll look it up again this evening.

30th March 2007, 17:16
As far as I understand the documentation, the QListWidget is coded to operate in IconMode mode and has space for it reserved. A Widget derived from QListView and set to ListMode should behave like you expected it.

30th March 2007, 18:13
A Widget derived from QListView and set to ListMode should behave like you expected it.
Thanks for the input.
But I don't understand how deriving and not changing the way the widget draws will help.

Ok, here is my code, and the screen shot:

QListWidgetItem *temp = new QListWidgetItem("ttyS0");
temp->setSizeHint(QSize(uiLarge.listPort->width(),40)); //just experimenting, this works as you can see in the image
new QListWidgetItem("ttyS1",uiLarge.listPort);
new QListWidgetItem("ttyS2",uiLarge.listPort);
new QListWidgetItem("ttyS3",uiLarge.listPort);
new QListWidgetItem("ttyS4",uiLarge.listPort);

30th March 2007, 18:58
Which style is that? Have you tried with other styles?

30th March 2007, 19:06
Which style is that?
The default, system style, in this case plastik...
No I didn't try other styles I don't need to...
Should I?
I mean, this should be the most simple thing - just having a list of strings...
I don't think this has to do with styles..
The green background is just a background pixmap on the dialog.
@Jpn: you said that you list is not like that - could you show me your code?
My guess is that I am doing (or not doing) something very basic, but I don't know what..
Is there any thing I should note when dealing with QListWidget?
I am really new to data aware views in Qt4 (as one can tell).

30th March 2007, 19:16
This is my minimalistic test case:

#include <QtGui>

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
QApplication a(argc, argv);
QListWidget list;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
return a.exec();

The attached screenshot taken with Qt 4.2.3 / X11 and QPlastiqueStyle.

30th March 2007, 19:35
I tried you code, thinking maybe the item initializtion played a part in it, but it stays exatly the same... hmm....:confused:


It looks EXACTLY the same as before for me...
I hate such situations...

Thanks though!

The only difference is that my list is initializes in an ui faile...
Is there an propery in designer that might change this?

30th March 2007, 19:43
found it -
designer gives defalut spacing of 20.

Thanks for your help!