View Full Version : Qt,big problem,with OpenGl Bulid's

28th August 2015, 19:10
(I am not from USA,or etc,country,sorry for low eng.)

Hi!I have big problem,with OpenGL.

I got this errors:

:-1: error: skipping incompatible C:/Programy/Programowanie/QT_Library/qt-5.3.2-x64-mingw491r1-sjlj/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9.1/../../../../lib/glut32.lib when searching for -lglut32

:-1: error: skipping incompatible C:/Programy/Programowanie/QT_Library/qt-5.3.2-x64-mingw491r1-sjlj/mingw64/bin/../lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32/4.9.1/../../../../lib/glut32.dll when searching for -lglut32(SAME ERROR X 11!!)

:-1: error: cannot find -lglut32

collect2.exe:-1: error: error: ld returned 1 exit status

Project file:

QT += core gui opengl(Work good)

LIBS += -lglut32
LIBS += -LC:\Programy\Programowanie\QT_Library\qt-5.3.2-x64-mingw491r1-sjlj\mingw64\lib\glut32.LIB\(Doesn't work)
LIBS += -LC:\Programy\Programowanie\QT_Library\qt-5.3.2-x64-mingw491r1-sjlj\mingw64\lib\glut32.LIB(Not work to)
LIBS += -LC:\Programy\Programowanie\QT_Library\qt-5.3.2-x64-mingw491r1-sjlj\mingw64\lib\(This to)

Only "LIBS += -lglut32"
Got error:
:-1: error: cannot find -lglut32
collect2.exe:-1: error: error: ld returned 1 exit status(I am not sure,but probably too)

I install:

www.opengl.org/resources/libraries/glut/glut-3.7b_x86_solaris_64bit.tar.gz(With this,i edit glut32.mak,and i put patch to files,but i got the same errors)

Nothing work,when i try,to show"glutwirecube",and etc. objects,doesn't wort to.
I got error "Undefined reference to: (Object name,ex.glutWireCone)"
I have QTx64,i think,and MinGw 64bits,i try to compile OpenGL with 32 bit's,compiler,but nothing happened.

Maybe my Qt is uncompatible?????I lost around 8h......
I have Win 7 Ultimate 64bit.


PS.I read more thread's,about this OpenGl problems,but nothing work.

28th August 2015, 22:26
The GLUT Libraries you have were built with a Microsoft compiler. The resultIng import library (the .lib file) is not compatible with the MinGW compiler you are using to build your project.

You will likely have to build GLUT from source with the MinGW compiler.

28th August 2015, 23:05
What i must run,to do this??