View Full Version : How to deploy QT application

29th August 2015, 15:19
As a newbie, I would like to run the whole flow before I start coding my target application.
I followed the youtube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgZ8mWsyGOw and created the PushMe simple application.
I tried to follow also the deployment guide here (http://doc.qt.io/qt-4.8/deployment-windows.html#creating-the-application-package) but I probably miss something because the
namke and
qmake were not recoginized (perhaps they are not on my path).

The target of course is to deliver my application to a 3rd party, on Windows machine.

Is there a simple push button "release it" feature?
That will prepare all that needs to prepare, package all there is to package?


29th August 2015, 22:19
You cannot deploy the application before you build it. Both the commands you tried are related to building the software; the first (nmake) is the make utility from a Microsoft compiler, the second from Qt writes an input file for the first. Both would need to be installed, matching (i.e. Qt built with the MS compiler), and in the path (although your IDE can hide some of that).

30th August 2015, 04:56
You cannot deploy the application before you build it. Both the commands you tried are related to building the software; the first (nmake) is the make utility from a Microsoft compiler, the second from Qt writes an input file for the first. Both would need to be installed, matching (i.e. Qt built with the MS compiler), and in the path (although your IDE can hide some of that).
When you mention "build" - is this the same "build" term that appears when I press the green arrow?
If so, than build was done, and I also got two sub directories: debug & release

As for "qmake" & "nmake": aren't they installed with QTcreator? if not, from where should I install them?

30th August 2015, 09:01
If you installed a Qt bundle from qt.io and opted to install a Qt library (the default is to do this for a MingW built library) then there will be a qmake executable in the Qt library bin folder. To use a Microsoft compiler you have to select and install a Qt library built with the same version of the Microsoft compiler you intend to use (i.e. 2010, 2012,...) You configure Qt Creator to find the library and compiler to use in the Kits settings (Tools, Options, C++, Kits)... then select that kit to build.

nmake is not part of Qt, it is part of the Microsoft Visual Studio/SDK version you have installed.

30th August 2015, 10:10
I am not sure I follow, but I installed MinGW 32 bits.
What do I need to do in order to deploy my program to another computer?