View Full Version : Memory increasing

4th September 2015, 10:30
Hello friends,

I have observe a misterious increasing memory consumption.
When you click on the combobox and you observe the memory consumption you will find out
that the more you click the more the consumption will increase. Could anybody explain this??

import QtQuick 2.5
import QtQuick.Controls 1.2


ComboBox {
id: cbxAttribtes
width: 200
model: 5

4th September 2015, 12:46

I had the same problem and I was searching the mistake everywhere in my code and...

The problem is in your build kit 5.5.0. I'm pretty sure you built that project with 5.5.0 and there is something wrong with this new build kit. I do not know the details.

Try degrading it to 5.4.2 back and build your project with that kit. That solved my problem.

[PS:I mean, guys, it's a serious threat. Qt's own particles example consumes 1GB RAM in ten to fifteen seconds. That's absurd. You have to focus and solve this issue immediately ]

4th September 2015, 14:57
Thank you for your suggestions,

but hey downgrading is not an option.

Yes I built the project with 5.5.0
