View Full Version : QwtPlot with no GUI

4th September 2015, 18:00
Hello Uwe,

A while back, there was the potential of using QwtPlot to generate a plot without a GUI. Basically, creating a command line program to generate a PNG/PDF using the abstract canvas stuff or an off-screen renderer.

Did anything ever come of this? Is it possible now?

I have a situation where this might be useful and was hoping I could use it.


5th September 2015, 10:42
Yes and no - yes means, that you can always create an application with an hidden plot widget ( no GUI ), no means, that this command line tool is more fat, than it needs to be, as it has to be linked against QtGui.


8th September 2015, 22:09
Yes, a hidden GUI will work, but if you have a QApplication that is initialized as follows: QApplication a( argc, argv, false ); (i.e. no X11 connection) then it will fail.

I am trying to run this off the web so no X11 available. I would like to render directly into PNG or PDF using Qwt.

Anyway, it would be nice since it seems so close!
