View Full Version : Crash inside Qt method QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::sendRequest() when using ssl

18th September 2015, 02:12
Using Qt 5.4.0, We are invoking QNetworkAccessManager with SSL (configured with private key, local certificate and ca certificates).
The Qt library code is seg fault inside QHttpNetworkConnectionChannel::sendRequest(). This is not inside our code but inside Qt.

Any hints? any similar issue reported?



18th September 2015, 21:04
Look at the crash backtrace and work out what your code is doing that triggers the problem. Build a small, self-contained program that reproduces the issue. Post that, along with details of which platform, compiler, bit-ness, OpenSSL version etc.

You can see reported bugs here: https://bugreports.qt.io/secure/Dashboard.jspa