View Full Version : How place a table right in the middle of a qtabwidget?

18th September 2015, 23:10

I would like to know how can i centralize a qtablewidget in a qtabwidget using qtcreator 3.5.0 design. I know i can use layouts, but when i use them the table's size changes and i don't want that because i cannot resize. I tried some methods from stackoverflow and other websites but did not work because when i choose the layout my table changes the size! Only if a break the layout i can do that.

I want to set a size for this table and place it right in the middle of my qtabwidget.

How can i do that using design?

19th September 2015, 02:09
Guys, i discovered by myself.

Lets say you have an widget with dimentions like:
width: 30
height: 50

And you want place it right in the middle of your window. In Design, is just set minimum and maximum size with the same dimentions, 30 and 50 for both, like in my example. Then, you can use layouts. This way your widget doesn't get resized when you set an layout.