View Full Version : C++ book to prepare for the Core C++ for Qt Developers exam

27th September 2015, 22:57
Which C++ book(s) should be used (are more suited) while preparing for the Core C++ for Qt Developers exam (I'm going to try it...)?

I'm taking a look at the Effective Modern C++ by Scott Meyers (http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033707.do), but what came to my mind is that it might be to much modern for what I'm looking for, is it?

In addition to that book, I also picket up these:

- The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition (http://www.amazon.com/The-Programming-Language-4th-Edition/dp/0321563840)
- C++ Primer (5th Edition) (http://www.amazon.com/Primer-5th-Edition-Stanley-Lippman/dp/0321714113)

Should I go with them?

28th September 2015, 18:36
IMO, Stroustrup (The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition) is the best book of contemporary C++ but it must be the 4th edition. Not only because Stroustrup is the C++ man but also because he can write really good textbooks. It is a fat book but if you understand it, you can be sure that you have understood C++11. You can find a flawless .pdf on the web but you need to search a bit. You will meet a lot of damaged Stroustrups.

IMO, Lippman (C++ Primer) is a far worse choice. It is rather the standard C++ enhanced by comments on C++11. It will not teach you C++11. Lipman is on the web, too.
There is also Prata (C++ Primer Plus, 6th edition). It must be the 6th edition. IMO, Prata is better than Lippman but not as good as Stroustrup. Also Prata is on the web.
Meyers books are nice books but they aren't C++ textbooks. They are "advanced level" dealing with certain aspects of C++11.