View Full Version : QWebEngine HTML5 video tag & MP4/H.264 videos

15th October 2015, 03:43

On Ubuntu I'm using QWebEngine to render some HTML which contains/uses the HTML5 video tag as follows:

<video id="video" data-src="test.mp4" poster="img/poster-white.png" src="test.mp4" type="video/mp4"></video>

The HTML renders and plays the video fine in both Firefox and Chromium -- after i installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras package. However, this does nothing for QWebEngine. Note, I also tried adding the libffmpegsumo.dll to the plugins/qtwebengine, but that also does nothing.

Has anyone successfully dealt with this issue?

I believe the cause may be due to the underlying Chromium browser not building with the necessary h.264/mp4 decoder due to licensing issues. My next attempt was to try to build Chromium with this enabled, which I believe is to set the "proprietary_codecs=1 ffmpeg_branding=Chrome" in the GYP_DEFINES flags. However, I'm not sure where to set this in QT.
