View Full Version : Select specific item in QListView

15th October 2015, 15:47
I have a QListView which contents I said with a Model. When resetting the model I need to reselect the previous item but I'm not sure how to search for it and than select it.
This is how I set the model:

void IMClientGui::setActiveUsers(QSqlQueryModel *sqm) {
QString currentUser = this->getSelectedHost();
//here the old selection should be reset if this entry is still in the list

QString IMClientGui::getSelectedHost() {
auto itemselectmodel = ui->clientsOnline->selectionModel();

if (itemselectmodel->selectedIndexes().size() > 0) {
QModelIndex index = itemselectmodel->selectedIndexes().at(0);
return index.data().toString();
} else
return "";

I cannot work with the indexes here (e.g. if item with index 3 was selected reset to index 3) since a previous item might have been removed and therefore the index could be less or more if an item was added

15th October 2015, 17:58
See QAbstractItemModel::match() for finding a model index with certain data.


15th October 2015, 20:54
I'm not sure how to use this method, what exactly am i supposed to put as QModelIndex and role? And how do I define the QVariant, in my case the displayed values are all QStrings?

15th October 2015, 21:22
QModelIndexList indexes = model->match(
model->index(0,0), // first row, first column
Qt::DisplayRole, // search the text as displayed
stringValue, // there is a QVariant(QString) conversion constructor
1, // first hit only
Qt::MatchExactly // or Qt::MatchFixedString

15th October 2015, 21:33
When executing this

auto model = ui->clientsOnline->selectionModel()->model();

QModelIndexList indexes = model->match(
model->index(0,0), // first row, first column
Qt::DisplayRole, // search the text as displayed
currentUser, // there is a QVariant(QString) conversion constructor
1, // first hit only
Qt::MatchExactly // or Qt::MatchFixedString

I get a Segmentation fault!?

16th October 2015, 23:33
So model is 0 or invalid. Why are you going via the selection model anyway?

Something like this:
When the data model emits modelAboutToBeReset() you want to store the current value selected in the list view.

const QModelIndex currentIndex = ui->clientsOnline->currentIndex(); // may be an invalid index
m_previouslySelected = (currentIndex.isValid())? currentIndex->data(Qt::DisplayRole): QVariant();

When the data model later emits modelReset() find and restore the list view's current item if possible:

if (!m_previouslySelected.isNull()) {
const QAbstractItemModel *model = ui->clientsOnline->model();
const QModelIndexList indexes = model->match(
1, // first hit only
if (index.size() > 0) { // found a match

17th October 2015, 13:55
Worked thanks