View Full Version : Buiding Android Qt 5.5 on OS X, module QtPositioning, QtLocation not installed

18th October 2015, 04:14
I built my own Qt 5.5.1 Android using these instructions: http://wiki.qt.io/Android. After building I found that a number of subdirectories were not built. I could not compile my application because qmake was complaining about missing modules. One example was qtlocation. I manually went into those subdirectories and ran qmake followed by make. Now I can build my project using the version of Qt I built. But it won't deploy correctly because it can't find the the Qml modules for QtPositioning and QtLocation. I can see the errors in the deploy step:

Warning: QML import could not be resolved in any of the import paths: QtLocation
Warning: QML import could not be resolved in any of the import paths: QtPositioning

Then when I run the app, I get errors there from Qml loading essentially saying the same thing. That those modules were not deployed.

I guess doing the qmake/make in the directories wasn't quite enough to fix the initial build problem. But I can't figure out what else I need to do to make these modules available. I looked in qtbase/qml directory and the QtPositioning and QtLocation directories are not there.